1992 福井県生まれ
2011 京都嵯峨芸術大学芸術学部造形学科 入学
2016 京都嵯峨芸術大学芸術学部造形学科版画分野 卒業
現在 福井県在住
2016 京都嵯峨芸術大学 2015 年度卒業・修了制作展
/ 京都市美術館 教育後援会奨励賞 卒業生特別賞
2017 京展 / 京都市美術館 入選
2017 第 10 回高知国際版画トリエンナーレ展
/ いの町紙の博物館 ( 高知 ) 佳作賞
2018 第 7 回山本鼎版画大賞展
/ 上田市立美術館 ( 長野 ) 優秀賞
2018 中華民国第十八回国際版画ビエンナーレ展
/ 国立台湾美術館 入選
2018 西風のグラフィックス3
/ ギャラリーマロニエ ( 京都 )
2018 第 68 回 CWAJ 現代版画展
/ 代官山ヒルサイドギャラリー ( 東京 ) 入選
2019 西風のグラフィックス3
/ ギャラリー織絵 ( 東京 )
2019 Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair 2019
/ ロンドン Directors' top 10 picks に選出
2021 第 8 回山本鼎版画大賞展
/ 上田市立美術館 ( 長野 ) 入選
2022 個展「一間」
/ The Terminal Kyoto ( 京都 )
2022 Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair 2022
/ ロンドン Directors' top 10 picks に選出
2022 個展「GLASSES」
/ 堀川新文化ビルヂング ギャラリーNEUTRAL ( 京都 )
1992 Born in Fukui , Japan.
2016 Graduated from Kyoto Saga University of Arts.
2017 The 10th Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints
Forth Prize (Ino-cho Paper Museum / Kochi , Japan)
2018 The 7th Yamamoto Kanae Print Grand Prix Competition
Third Prize (Ueda city Museum / Nagano , Japan)
2018 International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2018 ROC
(National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts / ROC)
2019 Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair 2019 / London
2021 The 8th Yamamoto Kanae Print Grand Prix Competition
(Ueda city Museum / Nagano , Japan)
2022 Solo exhibition " Ikken / Hitoma "
( The Terminal Kyoto / Kyoto, Japan)
2021 Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair 2022 / London
2022 Solo exhibition " GLASSES "
( NUTRAL / Kyoto, Japan )
Kataoka Miki is an artist who expresses light using “things” as motifs.
She captures the most beautiful moments of intricate transitions of light reflected on glass and metal with aquatint mezzotint technique.
Darkness is always necessary to express light, which is why she thinks mezzotint is the most suitable technique.
You can see both delicacy and boldness in her carefully rendered works.
Her work "KA•MI•SA•BI•RU” this time uses Katana (Japanese sword) as a motif.
You can feel the divinity in its appearance that has not lost its sharpness even though it has rusted, even if it has been stored away for a long time.
In this work, she took up the challenge of using the printing technique “Gampi” and succeeded to show the unique "skin" of the Katana by it.
The title “Kamisabiru” is an ancient Japanese word with the following explanations:
〜Originally, things only live a normal lifespan, but after living and being used for a long time, they have become rusty and inhabited by gods. -From Wikipedia
2016 Graduated from Kyoto Saga University of Arts
Works exhibited at the 10th Kochi International Triennial Exhibition in 2018 and at the Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair in 2019 and 2021.
*Online exhibition only in 2021 due to transportation conditions at the airport.